About Us

Colossus Boerboels Established 2012
Owner John & Chrissy Singh.
Over the last 30 years we have owned many different breeds, Bull Mastiffs, Neapolitan Mastiffs, Presa Canario , bull dogs and pit bull Terriers.
After our last dog passed away a Presa called Molly, we started to research the Boerboel and the more we read up on the Boerboel we very quickly got draw in and purchased our first BB, Her name was Maddie she was an amazing dog and everything we had read about the breed seemed true.
This was the start of our Boerboel Journey, We started with one and now we have eight, we love everything about this breed the temperament above all else, strong and self-assured, very loving to there humans but also very protective of there loved ones, The boerboel isn’t a guard dog is more a family Guardian.
After a couple of years of owning this wonderful Breed, we came across a UK breeder her Name was Jenny wells, Jenny knew my love for dogs and I spoke with her at length about my plans to have my own kennel one day and that day was very close as my four children were now grown.
Jenny became my Mentor and started to pass on her knowledge and experiences she had learnt her self over many years of her involvement with the boerboerl.
My first Female bb from Jenny was a beautiful girl Called Megazone Tessa,
She was Physically Selected in South Africa at 11 months old, Tessa is the full sister of Megazone Alejandra the 2019 National grand champion Female.
We are also now the proud owners of Quovadis Partner in Crime (Dillon ), Its our honour as a Kennel to be able take Dillon forward in the direction that Jenny would have wanted.
The Boerboel was nearly wipe out in its country-of-origin South Africa and was revived in the early 80’s, the Boerboel is still developing as a breed, and we will endeavor to improve and develop this majestic breed.
Colossus Boerboels are breeder members of SABBS the custodians of the Breed.
We are a small Kennel, and this is strictly a hobby for us, Chrissy & I own and manage a small commercial ventilation and air conditioning company with around 25 employees, we are not reliant on income from our breeding’s and only have about one litter a year, our research prior to any breeding is extensive to ensure the best possible match.